Monday, January 10, 2011

Redeeming The Time

Last Wednesday on the way to work, I once again was struggling with whether or not quitting my job was lacking wisdom or exercising faith. I prayed this morning "Lord, you're going to have to have someone I trust tell me straight out what to do" It was a quick prayer, but prayed with sincerity and need. On the way home I was listening to Moody Radio and there is a little segment called Redeeming The Time. The 30 seconds of dialogue really spoke to me. I sent a note to the radio station to get the transcript. Here is a link to the transcript.

It wasn't "someone I trusted" per say, but it still felt like God was speaking to me. I even started crying in my car. It's so amazing to me when you feel like the Lord is meeting you right where you are. The part that really got me was "One way to know God’s will is to ask the question- “What activity is there, that I and only I, can do, that if done well could have great results throughout eternity?” "


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