Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Less than 150 days

I finished reading Women Leaving the Workplace. It was such an awesome read the second time around. Instead of just reading and wishing I could stay home, I was able to glean good advice and tips for making our transition work.

Yesterday I went to a Home school group. I had to leave early, but it was fun to have a glimpse into what the future could hold. And a big thanks to a good friend for hooking me up with some free curriculum. The kids were excited too. My oldest is now asking me "Is homeschooling definite yet?" Since I don't want him to go to school and announce to his class and teachers that he will be home schooled next year, I've been holding them off on how close we are.

My husband is considering selling Pampered Chef. Yes, I'm serious. The initial investment is WAY lower than other home based businesses. If he can get 4 people to commit to hosting a party before signing up, he's going to go for it. We figure it's worth a shot. If it doesn't do well, nothing was lost.

I've been struggling with the piano lesson concept. One, I'm not sure where students would come from, two, if I'd be any good at it, and three, if I'd make any decent money from it because of 1 and 2. The clock is ticking though. Less than 150 days!! And we have a considerable amount of income to find before then. Okay Lord, open up the windows of heaven.... we're ready.....

I think!

Seriously though, I have learned so many times that His timing is perfect.

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