My husband got frustrated with me when I started to verbalize these doubts. He said that I always have this "I can stay at work" card in my back pocket. He said I'm not giving any credit to the "God Factor".
My struggle really lies in wisdom verses faith. If I was looking at this purely through a wisdom lens, it would be pretty clear that quitting is crazy. However, God asked people throughout the Bible to do some pretty crazy things and they had to step out in faith and obey even though it didn't make sense.
I fear we won't be able to pay the bills some month. WE made the bad choices to get into debt and therefore have the consequences and responsibility to follow through on those commitments.
So Wednesday night, we lay in bed discussing all of these things. We ended the conversation well. I basically said, "I don't doubt at ALL that this is God's will for us, I just question the timing". And we went to bed....
THEN... the next morning, I'm driving to work kind in my own world, but the radio was in the background on the local christian station. All of sudden the words "When is the last time you were overcome with fear?" caught my attention. My ears tuned into what was being said. Attached below is a copy of the transcript. I've highlighted what stuck out to me.

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