Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just keep pressing on...

In the Larry Burkett book, Women Leaving the Workplace, one of the Transition Planning steps is to "Set a realistic but definite date to quit." In that same section of the book, Larry writes:

"Once you and your spouse have determined that this decision is God's plan for you, allow nothing to deter you from that path"

It's amazing, now that I've come to the realization that this IS God's plan for us. Satan has been working hard to deter us. First it was frustration with the kids. If you read back through my posts, you'll know exactly when that hit :-)

Second was a focus on materialistic things. I started thinking "I will never get a new couch", "we will never go on vacation again", "I am never going to have nice things again". Would you believe within a few days of those thoughts coming, Chip Ingram did a series on Materialism on his broadcast through Living On The Edge ministries. I quickly realized that was an attack of Satan's.

Then the disappointment with the taxes. I had all these plans of how it could come together and where the money would go.

Then the latest thing.... things have been breaking like crazy around the house. Oh and not the small stuff... things like my laptop is dead in the water. The replacement part is about $70. Because of where my husband works, we could probably buy a new laptop for around $300. The part that broke has to do with where the plug goes and because of normal wear and tear (and children) it became loose and would not charge the battery any more. The problem is that it is pretty likely we may have this issue again. Then my two year old twins got their hands on our DVD player and broke the drive that holds the DVD. It will open but won't close AND won't play. This is definitely the second DVD player and maybe even the third they have broke in the past year. At this point, I just had to laugh.

We are continuing to press on...

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