We put our house on the market in January. In March of 2006, our third child was born. A beautiful little girl. I was only able to take off of work for 6 weeks because I did not have enough vacation time to extend my maternity leave and did not have any money aside to take an unpaid extended leave. I thoroughly enjoyed the time spent at home. I had all these great plans of getting tons of stuff done while home and of course, none of that happened. It's amazing how a little baby, who sleeps and eats all day can take up SO much of your time. Regardless, it was incredible being home with the three of them.
When I went back to work, I had my heart set on continuing to nurse my daughter. I had nursed my first son for 8 months and the second for 9. I really wanted to make it a full year with her. I was religious about my pumping, making sure I had scheduled in my calendar to go every three hours.
Even with my dedication and perseverance, my milk supply started to decrease. At about four months old, I started feeding her in the evenings and she would cry because she was still hungry. I was so sad, I knew I would fall WAY short of my 1 year goal. There were evenings when I would feed her and just cry. I was devastated. She was completely weaned by 5 months old.
I knew the main reason I couldn't continue was due to the pumping at work. It just didn't have the same effect. This just fueled my desire to be home.
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